Sexually Transmitted Infections
Please note a lot of people have had or have sexually transmitted infections; we are medical professionals we understand and will not judge you in any way - we just want you and your baby to be safe
Sexual Health Screen
A lot of sexually transmitted infections are not good for your baby
If you are concerned or haven't had a sexual health check for a while it's a good idea to get checked when you are pregnant- you can get this done through your GP, Family planning or a set of swabs by your midwife
If you have Herpes or contract a first episode of herpes in pregnancy you will need to take a medication for the last 4weeks of pregnancy - please let your midwife know when you go through your medical history - if you have others with you at the appointment then please leave her a private message or text to let her know as it is important information
Even if you think you are in a relationship that is stable there still may be a need to double check just for the sake of your baby.
Sexual Health Screen
A lot of sexually transmitted infections are not good for your baby
If you are concerned or haven't had a sexual health check for a while it's a good idea to get checked when you are pregnant- you can get this done through your GP, Family planning or a set of swabs by your midwife
If you have Herpes or contract a first episode of herpes in pregnancy you will need to take a medication for the last 4weeks of pregnancy - please let your midwife know when you go through your medical history - if you have others with you at the appointment then please leave her a private message or text to let her know as it is important information
Even if you think you are in a relationship that is stable there still may be a need to double check just for the sake of your baby.
Cervical Smear
This is an important check for all sexually active women. Regular smears can detect any cancer worries
Your cervix changes every month to allow for a menstrual period and also when you are pregnant which makes it a higher risk for cancerous cells - these can be treated safely and effectively if found early
Sometimes when treated the infection can return as a reinfection because treatment wasn't done completely correctly
Your cervix changes every month to allow for a menstrual period and also when you are pregnant which makes it a higher risk for cancerous cells - these can be treated safely and effectively if found early
Sometimes when treated the infection can return as a reinfection because treatment wasn't done completely correctly